Thursday, May 19, 2011

National Sales Trainer Todd Falcone always has great things to share...

From Todd Falcone : 
10 Reasons Why You May Not Be Recruiting and Sponsoring Anyone
(Note:  These reasons are in no particular order) 
1.      You aren't really working.  Many people kid themselves into believing they are actually working when they really aren't.  The big question is, how many people have you talked to in the past week about your business?  Be honest with your answer.
2.      You aren't asking enough questions.  Start being more interested and more inquisitive.  Be genuine.  Focus on what they want.
3.      You're scared.  Perhaps you may be over-thinking and letting your head get in your own way.  Stop the mental spin.  Just take action.
4.      You're focused on the wrong thing.  People do this all the time.  They focus on themselves rather on what they can do for others.  Change your focus and change your results.
5.       You're too timid and worried about what they think.  Stop worrying about what others think.  Just do.  Maintain control.  Own it.  You have the deal.  Act like it. 
6.      You aren't finishing.  Don't be one of those people who start the process and not end it.  Your prospect is HOPING you call them least the good ones are.  Don't be a ball-dropper.  Follow up.
7.      You don't have the best deal on the planet, so stop saying you do.  No matter how good your company, comp plan or product is, STOP saying "We're the Greatest!"  Put your feet back on the ground and take a breath of reality.  It's fine to have a good product, comp plan, etc. without having to LIE and say you are the best thing since sliced bread.  Nothing screams scam more than hype. 
8.      You don't believe.  This one kills tons of people.  You either don't believe you're worth it or that you aren't capable.  You are!  You ARE worth it. ARE capable.  Stop the negative flow of energy.  It isn't serving you.
9.        You aren't listening.  Start listening to your leaders, the ones who are REALLY producing and STOP reinventing the wheel because you think you are cool or good.  Make your first 10k a month their way and if you wanna go screw it up after that, you're free.
10.  You're scattered.  Focus on one company. Big produces don't do multiple deals, so why should you. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


NEW May 13th - Lots of New Features!

What is available today...

1. New Spanish Website is Live - look under My Websites for the URL
2. New Invite Tool is Live
3. Canada and Norway reached 1,000 and we launched full support this week
4. Two new marketing videos
5. A few new marketing websites

Invite Tool is now LIVE - Right now this tool is Only Available to Members who have 15 enrollments or more. All members who have 15 or more have a head start to test out this tool for 72 hours.

Starting Monday this tool will be available to the next group of leaders who have qualified 10-14 enrollments. Then on Tuesday all Members who have 5 or more enrollments will gain access. Finally everyone will have full access Wednesday May 18th.

We are doing it this way for 2 reasons... First, to make sure we don't overload the system... Second, we want to reward our leaders who are working hard by giving you this tool first.

Canada and Norway are now LIVE...
If you live in Canada or Norway you should be very proud for hitting 1,000 members. We had a great Webinar with Canada on Wednesday to announce the plans for expansion and full support and we had another great Webinar on Thursday for Norway. Both countries are rocking and we are excited to support your growth!

We just released 2 new videos... Both of them are live on our Youtube page as well as your personal replicated websites. We also have a few new website URLs that you can promote, look under My Website to check them out.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Great training installment #2 from Justin at TFT...

If you haven't read the 2nd installment from Justin, then you are missing out.
He spells out in more detail how to follow up with those you may have gotten in your "free-loaders" list, or what he's saying makes sense to how to reach people via email.

Here's a big HINT!   
Most of the world has been "Twitter-ized"  getting short 120 character spits of info...if you can't catch someone's attention in 10 won't get them at all!  
SHORT emails are best!  

Justin gives some great advice on the best days to send out email and give you 5 weeks of examples of emails that he would use to capture someone's attention.  

This is great training:
Click here to read Justin's training.


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Q: How do I follow up with prospects who have become "free-loaders"?

A: I believe that it is always good to speak to them by phone, because in this way they get to know you better.  People usually like to get acquainted  with those they will be working with in a business.  From what I have learned in several decades of sales, it usually takes anywhere from 5 to 7 contacts with the same person to get a new sale.  And of course that number of contacts is depending on whether this is someone you already know,  (your warm market) vs. someone you don't know personally, a (cold market) contact. That is the reason for the title of this post, "THE FORTUNE IS IN THE FOLLOW-UP..." 

Here is a YouTube Video Webinar Training with Coach Van and Russ Medlin in Las Vegas.  The very first question on this Q and A format is "How do I follow-up with my "free-loaders"?"  And Russ answers it excellently!    Please listen to his sage advice.

The one point of Russ' advice that made a lot of sense to me:  "Use The Tools!"    "Three-way" your prospect in on the free overview call (14 minutes) that is available:  (303) 747 -5108  if you have not listened to it, please do so you know what your prospect is going to hear.  As Russ says, even though it is his voice on the recorded call, he three-ways his prospects on to that call because if they join TFT using that method, they will use that same method to share it with their prospects.  These TOOLS are available for duplication.  You want your people to be successful so you want to let your people know that they don't have to become an expert presenter...don't try to explain everything to them.   "USE THE TOOLS!"   Then they will learn that they can use the tools, and be successful, too.  :-)

Here is the video recording Webinar:   Click here

You can also load it by going to your TFT back office on the recorded webinars page.
and click on Recorded Libraray

Training Archives and Live Call/Webinar Information

Conference Call Schedule:

Number: 712-432-0075
PIN: 775913#

Monday - Friday
Time: 6:30pm PST, 9:30pm EST, 12:30am GMT

Listen to Previous Recorded Calls

24 Hour Recorded Line: 

(303) 747-5108

Webinar Schedule:

Topics: Q&A and Updates
Time: 7:00pm PST, 10:00pm EST, 1:00am GMT

Topics: Training, Marketing & Special Freebies
Time: 7:00pm PST, 10:00pm EST, 1:00am GMT

View Previously Recorded Webinars

Just click that live link above to get to the page to watch it on your back office.

Look for the April 13th Webinar at the bottom of this page and click on it.

I tried to load the video on this page, but I couldn't find it on YouTube to load it from this blogspot site.
The rest of the training is really good!   I especially like their training on how to use the Email Video and Sales Tracking tools  in your back office.  TFT has given us amazing tools to use to build our business...we just have to learn how to use them. This training webinar is the TOOL for you to use to learn how and teach your respective TEAM Members.  It will get easier the more that we use them. :-)

Lots of good info on this latest training Webinar dated April 12th.

Randall :-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


NEW April 12th - We just broke 100,000 Total Members (including Free Loaders)

It's been 42 days since we started our Pre-Launch March 1st and we just went over 100,000 today. WOW!!! This includes our Free Loader member base of about 80,000. Our upgraded members are rapidly approaching 20,000 members and we are also about to open up our second country (Canada). We will be doing something special for our 20,000th member as well as our 1,000th Canadian member. (more details coming soon)

Banners are now LIVE - Check These Out!

We have a lot of cool features that will be live this week...

1. Spanish Website - Translated and Done
2. Marketing Tools (lots of them going live)
3. New Customer Program
4. New Testimonials Page
5. Freebie Rating System
6. Placement Module to Replace Cancelled Members

That's all I can think of at the moment, but we are working on so much stuff it's almost hard to keep track of it all :) 
Keep up the great work everyone... We will continue to work hard for you!

I learn something NEW every day...usually from Andy Brock. (I'm so glad that he joined our  TEAM!  I'm telling you true...get off your backsides and tell all the younger people you know 16 through 29 who know how to use all these social networking gadgets like: smart-phones,  facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.  They can teach you tonnes of cool stuff that will increase your traffic.   And even though I'm sure for most of us, it is about helping people, TFT is a business and so it is a numbers game.  The more people you tell, the more people will look at what your telling them about.  The more who see what TFT is about, the more will like TFT and join. 

OKAY, here's what Andy showed me today.  If you have a lengthy cumbersome URL that is hard to put on Twitter, because they limit you to only a 140 characters per post, go to this google url shortener website:    Just do what it tells you and your  long character URL becomes a short one.

Like if you want to go to the That Free Thing company blog that Marketing Dept. Justin Jones wrote:  HOW TO GET STARTED IN THE FIRST 96 HRS... Andy already changed it to this:

So this huge URL: ( )  has now become a short manageable url: ( )
that will work great when posting on Facebook or Twitter or texting on your smart phone.  Isn't that sweet?  Love it.  Thanks Andy!

I'm going to try out this ( url shortener) right now with our TEAM Blog site: which is   will now become:
Check it works!
Randall  :-)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Justin Jones TFT Marketing Dept tells what to do in your first 96 hours...

Here is a new entry in the Company's blog from our new marketing dept head, Justin Jones.
I believe Justin's step by step advice is right on target,  if you want to get your TFT business off an running at a good clip.  To me,  That Free Thing is a friend to friend, belly to belly business.  You have to use the system to get some good stuff, which you are excited about, and then tell others about what you found.  People can tell if you believe it or not.
I guess it would be nice if you could just send out a hundred email letters and have a 20% response.  The true reality with email is that only 20% will even be opened...and 80% will fall in spam filters, or not opened and deleted.  So if you sent out a thousand email only 200 would be opened and if you got a 2% response rate, which is considered good in the industry, you might see 4 responses...not sign ups, just free loaders.  So do yourself a favor and look over what Justin is advising us to do to get the word out. 
And as Sir Winston says, "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER GIVE UP!   
 What I have found is that you have to tell "your story" about TFT to your friends or share some of the cool stuff you received with them...and then give them a link to your site.  That's what I mean about a "belly to belly" business.  If you just send out email and expect a big response you will be disappointed and frustrated, and probably quit.  
People hear hype all day long, and they don't believe it.  Just like us in Missouri the "Show Me" State, you gotta show me! So show your friends, personally what you have found and some will see it as you do, and  some won't.  That's okay.  As the old saying I've heard in this business for years not to take your response rate personally, it's really just a numbers game.   ("SW, SW, SW, NEXT, Because SW!" 
"Some Will, Some Won't, So What, NEXT, Because Someone's Waiting.")
Just my nickel's worth.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Get up to speed with Recorded Webinars in Library on the Main TFT Website ...

I do learn something new everyday, thank-you, Andy! ;-)    
Like where to find the recorded Webinars on the Main TFT Website.   

Sometimes you will not be able to join these live "Go To Meeting" Webinars, due to work or other scheduling conflicts.  Not to worry, you can watch and listen to them at your convenience right here on this training blog or in your back office suite.   As rapidly as That Free Thing is growing and with so manynew tools being added to the mix almost daily,  I would strongly encourage you to watch some of these webinars as soon as you can, so you can either get up to speed or stay caught up if you don't know what's been happening lately.  

Timely HINT:  
     The beauty of owning your own Network Marketing business is that you do have complete control of what your personal success outcomes will be and you don't have to go it alone.  On a good TEAM every member wants you to play your best and succeed and they are all encouraging you to win, because you win as a team.  That is exactly what I would like to create on our rapidly growing TEAM with That Free Thing.  A culture, if you will,  of seeing how we can all help others succeed, growing their business as big as they can dream while expanding our ability to dream even bigger.   Success will breed more success!

    Sometimes on your JOB, you realize that there is only so much room for advancement, (a glass ceiling, so to speak) and should you just happen to work for a "family-owned" business and you don't have that family's last name and you have no desire to marry into that family, you are just S.O.L. when it comes to upward mobility.   In reality with most given company structures, there can only be so many chiefs or managers.   
     You personally might have even been trying to achieve a better position and larger income, but were not chosen for one of those higher positions.  That can be bittersweet when you watch others being promoted whom you might have trained, even people with less talent than you, gaining economic advantage because maybe they knew how to play the work-place "political games"... (we used to call it "brown-nosing" or "teacher's pet" in school.) 
      Astonishingly, a Network Marketing company can actually be less of a Pyramid than most other corporate structures you have probably worked in.  (SEE THE Cute little CARTOON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE)   Here in That Free Thing, we can help everyone around us to succeed because there is no limit to the room at the top. The very structure of Network Marketing encourages you personally to gain by helping others gain. The Matching Bonus Checks of 40%, 30% and 30% on your first, second, and third generations will blow you away once you understand the power that is in that one segment of the commission plan.
Zig Ziglar, a great sales motivational speaker wrote in his book, The Art of the Close;  " You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."     Jesus spoke about this same basic structure of reality 2000 years before  when he said,  "If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, you must learn to be the servant of all."    From Mark 10.41-45 The Message

OKay, enough lecturing...HOW DO YOU GET TO THOSE WEBINARS?

First go to:   TFT's Main Website  and log in as a member using your site name and your password.  That will open up your back office suite.  Your TFT command and control center to manage your own business. 

Under the heading MY PERSONAL STUFF you will find the heading "Recorded Library" just click on that phrase and you will see this page with these words on it:

Recorded Call and Webinar Information


Listen to Our Recorded Training Calls Library

CLICK on the first heading (as these are live links so you can go there directly from this blog) to listen to recorded audio files from some great business overview or Invitation briefing calls, which you should be able to share with others if you find ones you like.
To see the recorded Webinars, click on this last heading:

View Our Recorded Webinars Library

Here you will find all the Webinars recorded for your listening and watching pleasure.  The last Webinars are at the bottom of the page so you just scroll down to the bottom and get caught up with the latest information.

I discovered this cute little video cartoon that I think you might like to listen to here, entitled: "I still believe its a pyramid scheme."    (4.5 minutes long)